Sunday 25 September 2016

Citrus Biscuits (V)

Wanted to impress people in the office (May have also mentioned I baked in the interview). Came up with this new recipe which went down a storm.

Makes 22-24 Biscuits

150g Butter
100g Caster Sugar
1 Egg Yolk
Rind of 1 Orange
Rind of 1 Lemon
½ teaspoon of baking powder
200g Flour, plus extra for dusting

Icing (Optional)
175g Icing Sugar
Juice of an Orange
Juice of an Lemon

1. Preheat the oven to 200c/180 fan assisted. Take a large mixing bowl and mix the butter with sugar until combined

2. Add the egg yolk and mix. Then add the flour, baking powder and the rinds of the orange and lemon. You should be able to make a ball out of this. Leave in the fridge to cool for about an hour so it doesn't fall apart.

3. You want to flour your rolling pin and surface and place the dough on the surface. You roll out the dough until you get a thickness roughly ½cm thick.

4. Take either circle pastry cutters (if you don't have any using a 125ml wine glass works as well) and cut out the dough. Reroll and repeat from step 3 until you run out of dough.

5. Put some grease proof paper on the baking tray and place the cut out dough on the tray, making sure to leave enough space between the biscuits so they don't stick together. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Put on a wire rack and allow to cool.

6. For the icing put the icing sugar in the bowl and start off with 1 tablespoon of orange and lemon juice and mix. Then add one tablespoon of each alternating between the two fruits until you get the correct consistency. If you added too much juice then add icing sugar. Then you add a tablespoon of icing to biscuit and allow to harden. Keep biscuits in a sealed container when your not serving, otherwise the biscuits will get soft.

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