Serves: 4
300g Spaghetti
1 Onion finely chopped
1 small glass of red wine
1 bay leaf
500g minced beef
4 rashers of back bacon
5 tbps of tomato purée
Worcestershire Sauce
Mug of Beef stock
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 tbps of fresh oregano, chopped
Pinch of sugar
Salt and Pepper
1. Fry the bacon in a large frying pan with a bit of olive oil for a couple of minutes
2. Add the onion, bay leaf and garlic and fry until the onions soften.
3. Put the mince beef in the pan and break it up with a wooden spoon in the pan. Fry until it browns.
4. Add the red wine, sugar, salt and pepper, beef stock, tomato purée, couple of dashes of Worcestershire sauce and sugar. Once it begins to boil reduce the heat and let it simmer. The mixture should reduce. While the bolognese is cooking begin to boil the spaghetti in water with a dash of olive oil.
5. Once the pasta is cooked, drain the water from the pan. Place the pasta into bowls/plates and put the bolognese over the pasta. Serve with grated parmesan cheese (which I didn't have any, when I cooked this dish, woops)